Bulk traffic study at minor port in Orissa
" Orissa is India’s leading state in natural resource industry. Metal industries in Orissa have grown exponentially; similarly exports of raw material have shown good prospects. However port capacity in Orissa is limited, which require "
The client is global leader in natural resource industry and world’s second largest supplier of thermal coal with operations in 25 countries.
Challenge: .
With Orissa entering high growth area, a number of Indian and foreign companies have announced investments in Orissa. However, most of them had been speculative and required cleverer understanding of the market situation. Further changing market condition as a result of change in technology, use of enhanced raw material and government policy had to be analyzed.
The hinterland of the port was classified as primary, secondary and tertiary hinterland in terms of connectivity and association to the port. Various industries in this hinterland including iron and steel industries, aluminum industries, mineral salts and other industries were analyzed. Future growth plans of various industries existing and upcoming companies were explored and thus resulting cargo requirement was calculated. Integrated logistics cost analysis helped to classify cargo into categories like firm cargo, speculative cargo and spill over cargo.
i-maritime Proposition:
i-maritime analysis showed maximum of five million tones of dry bulk cargo using the port facility. i-maritime going beyond the scope of work, recommended building of 180 kilometer rail link which would reduce distance vis-à-vis other ports and bring additional 13 million tones of cargo at the port at a return of 71% over additional investment of Rs. 450 crores.
Contact for further information :
i-maritime Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.
11B 114, WeWork India Management Pvt Ltd
10th floor, Tower 1
Seawoods Grand Central, Sector 40
Nerul, Navi Mumbai (Maharashtra) 400706
Tel: +91 9820340418